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A Word to the Wise: Beware of what you tweet

We’ve been barraged by warnings about privacy in social media since its early days… but increasingly lately, stories are surfacing of poor judgement, along with privacy concerns, when using social media — Twitter, in particular.

I read an article (see the “this guy” link below) this morning that I thought would translate well into a post for Nicole’s Corner.  All too often, people forget how public the web is.

To avoid a debacle similar to the mess this guy is going through, I have a few things you should probably think about before tweeting, updating your Facebook status, or even commenting on a blog/forum/video/picture, etc.

  • What would your grandmother think?
    • Chances are if grandma wouldn’t approve, you shouldn’t be posting it. Period.
  • Could what you’re about to say offend anyone? Could it be misunderstood? Is it a rant?
    • No one needs to know your personal business.  Don’t confuse people, and don’t rant, take a second to breathe before you post an angry comment online. I promise you’ll thank me later.
  • Could what you’re about to say be proprietary information?
    • If there is any question as to whether or not you should be sharing the information you’re about to share, don’t.  When in doubt, err on the side of caution.  Again, you’ll thank me later.

All of that being said, don’t live tweet your classes or exams (I hope that goes unsaid, especially the latter), don’t rant about your class or your professor, your classmates or your employer (most folks are savvier than you would think), and simply play it safe!

*Thanks to myeeepcmylife.com for the image

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