APU Careers & Learning Online Learning

Converse. Communicate. Collaborate.

Well, readers, I’m about to make your online learning experience a whole lot easier.

Group projects are tough.  Group projects as part of an online course are even tougher.  Emailing back and forth, talking on the phone (or playing phone tag), and the confusion of CC’ing your peers and grappling with your different schedules are all things of the past.

SocialWok is a great, really smart, and user-friendly online social tool that will make collaborating with  your peers infinitely easier.  SocialWok is a platform that makes it possible for you to share ideas, messages, links, files and Google Apps (messages, calendars, IMs, Google Docs, etc) with your peers; and keep all communication and attachments in one place.  All you need is a Google account. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

SocialWok enables you to create Feeds (infinitely easier than tracking email conversations) for any actions you choose, and you can organize your feeds, documents, calendars, and more, into tabs.  Even better is the fact that it integrates with Google Talk, so you can chat real-time when working on projects with your classmates; or, you could even share your progress with your professor this way.  Even cooler: social networks integrate with SocialWok, too.

I’ll let you all investigate further to determine whether it’s the right tool for your or not, but IMO, it’s fantastic and simplifies communication.  Anything that promotes social interaction and combines it with efficient collaboration is a winner in my book.

Have you used SocialWok? What do you think? I’d love to hear your opinions once you try it!

Until next time,

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