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Cybercrime: What Comes Next?

Do you stay up-to-date on the latest internet phishing scams? Have you ever downloaded a virus by opening up an email that talked about helping people in a foreign country? You are not alone, cybercrime affects many Americans on a daily basis.

[Interested in more on the essentials of cybercrime? This certificate can be a start.]

On the latest installment of Dave Nemo’s radio show “Road Scholar” he interviews APU Program Director Constance St. Germain Driscoll, Esq. She gets down into the nitty-gritty of these savvy cyber criminals, and she even delves into the history of the first “worm”; which turns out to have been an accident that cost the government millions of dollars.

[Information Technology degrees and certificates are training individuals to combat cyber threats, and helping to create solutions for further hacks.]

If you ever wanted to know more about the plethora of scams from Nigeria, phishing schemes, and mishing (sending fraudulent text messages) then turn up the volume on the podcast player below and take notes on “Cybercrime: What Comes Next?”

[audio:http://wpc.242f.edgecastcdn.net/00242F/audio/Road-Scholar-Part-3.mp3|titles=Cybercrime? What Comes Next?|artists= Constance St. Germain-Driscoll, Esq Interview on Dave Nemo Radio Show]

By J. Mason

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