APU Careers & Learning

Organize Your Chaos Into an Inbox System

Get organized for schoolHow would you describe your organization or priorities for school? Does organized chaos describe you best? It’s OK to be a little disorganized, but when your priorities are out of whack too that’s when you can run into trouble. Make sure you “assign” your classwork with importance levels just as you would at work.

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If it helps, make an inbox/outbox for school. The outbox can consist of assignments ready for posting, or ready for review. A post-it for an assignment could even suffice, just as long as you know when it’s due and the impact it has on your overall grade. Make a note when you’re in the middle of a project, and when it’s done put it in your completed folder.  Having a little bit of organization in your life won’t kill you. It’s just something that gets “filed” in there with obtaining an education and getting the best experience possible.

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