APU Careers & Learning Online Learning

Friending your Classmates and Professors on Facebook

Should you friend classmates and professors on Facebook?When it comes to Facebook, different people have different preferences, opinions, and feelings on privacy and how they want to maintain their own accounts.  Some folks don’t like adding coworkers; others are fine with it.  Some feel as though they have nothing to hide and don’t mind adding just about anyone.

Personally, I prefer to keep my Facebook account somewhat private. I only add people whom I actually know.  I’m pretty picky about coworkers and classmates, and only once I graduated and finished school did I friend [a select few of] my professors.

Before sending a friend request to your online peers or professors, it’s probably best that you reach out to them via email (or whichever medium you’ve been using to communicate to date) and be sure that it’s alright to connect over Facebook (or any other social network).  Respecting others’ wishes, privacy, and personal preferences can go a long way… happy studying!

By N. Cooper

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