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Relaxing Study Spots for Tech Savvy Students

alternative-study-locationsSince going to school online, I have found a great need for a place to study, read, relax, or get some homework done. Most times, like many of you, that place is my bedroom, living room, wherever my computer is currently located, or some other room in my house where I get a good Wi-Fi signal and a few moments of peace and quiet. However, with a family to take care of, those moments might be fleeting and you may never acquire the peace you were looking for.

Sometimes you might have a major project to work on that requires a bit more than just a little peace and quiet. Other times you need the whole atmosphere around you to exude relaxation and intelligence. It is at those specific times where the bedroom, living room, or home office just won’t cut it. You need somewhere you can shut out all other distractions and grind out that assignment. You need a good study spot.

I have been to many different places just to get away and get a massive project completed. It was a way for me to clear my head and get some good honest studying done. Here is a list of my favorites. If you’re looking for one, go out and try these, it might just give you an idea for a study spot that’s better suited for you, or at least you get a great trip to the bookstore (SPOILER ALERT!).

Barnes and Noble

The first stop on my list is your local Barnes and Noble. Since you are attending school online, you might not be in a relatively large town that has one within reasonable distance to get up and go to. If that is the case, my heart truly goes out to you as B&N is hands down my favorite place to go and study or just to get out and give me an excuse to buy a new book.

Now, I could have mentioned ‘bookstore’ in general but that wouldn’t have really expressed why this place is so amazing for learning. This is a place surrounded by and entrenched in education, books, knowledge and of course caffeine. When I go in and sit down in their little lounge, I almost feel like I’m gaining knowledge through osmosis just from sitting near the rows upon rows of books. Everything about their stores are specifically engineered to enhance learning, reading and writing which for me makes it the best place to sit down and crank out a major project or assignment.

Your Local Coffee Shop

While this is similar to the aforementioned store, it is not quite the same because of the lack of books. However, as I also mentioned, not everyone is fortunate enough to live within a reasonable distance of one. However, because of the amounts of caffeine being pumped out of these places, they are just the spot to get a good buzz and get some homework done. Provided they offer WiFi, preferably free. Most of these places are packed with people who, like you, are looking for a place to relax, get away and most importantly, get some work done.

Your Local Library

I felt there should be a distinction between here and Barnes & Noble because while they are very similar in nature and atmosphere, there are things one has to offer that the other does not. However, they are both worth mentioning because of their merit and value to study time. Most libraries nowadays have free Wi-Fi capabilities and more than enough computers to fulfill the needs of the population they provide for. Like the bookstore, this place has many different nooks (pun intended) and crannies where you can comfortably sit, listen to some movie soundtracks, and get some homework done. The other benefit I will note is that here you have trained librarians that know their books inside and out and can help you find just about anything you want on nearly any topic.

An Outdoor Park or Jungle Gym (BYOW)

I decided to throw this one in because I have used it from time to time when the weather was perfect, just a bit cool, no precipitation and a slight breeze. However, there is one BIG stipulation to this option: BYOW — Bring Your Own Wi-Fi.  I have yet to see an outdoor park that also sports free Wi-Fi along with its water fountains, jungle gyms, and rubber matting. If you know of one, please let me know so I can move in there.

What makes this place so great is that every now and then, you need to get out of the stores, and the house, and the library and feel nature around you, even if it is deep in the city, you’re still outside. Enjoy it and get some work done while you’re at it.

If you would like more advice on relaxing study spots, have some of your own you would like to share (careful someone else might like it too and start joining you), or if you have any questions or comments PLEASE feel free to comment below, retweet or repost this on your social media sites! Enjoy!

By Frank Morrison
Online Learning Tips, Special Student Contributor

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