APU Careers & Learning

Use a Bibliography Builder

Often, creating the bibliography can be time-consuming and tedious. Here are a few sites that are in the business of making that process a lot easier for you.


Choose which style you need your work cited to be in and then fill in the blanks from there. EasyBib will put your sources into the correct format.


NoodleTools is the oldest works cited generators. It is an excellent tool, but be careful to only use “NoodleBib Express.” The others may charge you a fee.  

Son of Citation Machine

Simply select the style you need (APA), pick the source type (i.e. book) and continue to fill in the blanks. Son of Citation Machine will generate a correctly formatted works-cited in a matter of seconds.


Select the style you want and follow the instructions. This site is very easy to use and extremely reliable.

 – Online Learning Tips Staff

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