APU Careers & Learning Editor's Pick Online Learning

Strike a Triangle Pose for Stress Relief in Your Studies

How to use yoga to relax for classTake a deep breath, relax, now stretch. Now seriously, take a deep breath and stretch. The act of stretching can actually improve your physical state as well as mental. With the stress of school, and the incoming holiday’s a break is something you’ll need to give yourself.

[Learn more on the mental health benefits of Yoga.]

As an online learner you have a lot of great opportunities and flexibility with the format, but it also comes with time spent in front of a computer. For some, the sitting could exacerbate back issues, but with some simple yoga exercises it can be beneficial for your body as well as recharging the “battery” in your brain.

It starts with taking a few minutes away from the computer in the beginning, and gradually you can devote more time to it. Some poses that are suggested are the Corpse Pose, Single Leg Raises,  Fish Pose, and Triangle Pose. If you’re unfamiliar with yoga there’s a breathing technique to each stretch and exercise as well. Learning how to breathe to relax can go a long way. When you feel yourself getting worked up and frustrated because you’re stuck on a question, or you’ve hit a wall with your term paper. Take a few steps away from the computer and try a couple of stretches.

And for a mobile friendly yoga source try an app like Yoga 101.

By: J. Mason

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