APU Careers & Learning

Promoting Digital Literacy and Better Research in the Online Classroom

Technology is giving students more readily available resources. For example, it’s easier to find an answer for class through Google or Wikipedia then through a scholarly text in your library. Why waste the time if the answer is right there? Because it gets tricky when you start citing the “iffy” sources in your papers and discussion posts. It’s important to understand the source behind your answer, and how to tell the trash from the academic.

We recently shared on here why Wikipedia shouldn’t be used in your research, and the reason was that you may be looking at unsubstantiated information. Digital literacy is something every online student should be well versed in. If you’re unable to differentiate scholarly from unfounded sources in a Google crawl then it’s time you get educated. It seems as though a majority of students are citing YouTube, Google, and Wikipedia for their homework. So, how can you combat this?

Chat with your online librarian, or get educated through Easybib’s new digital literacy campaign. Either will guide you to a smarter way of researching and better results.

The next time you’re watching a funny clip during your break time from class, seriously rethink using YouTube as your shortcut for answers. Make sure you’re getting well rounded results. You can always verify with your school librarian or professor if you’re unsure.

By J. Mason

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