APU Careers & Learning Editor's Pick Online Learning

Create a School Calendar

Take down the cute puppies calendar, and replace it with a more professional office calendar to keep your school life organized. One of the best ways to combat procrastination is to set realistic deadlines, and to have a constant visual reminder of what’s due. As a student myself, here’s what I would suggest…

  1. Print out the syllabus, or save a copy to your desktop.
  2. Highlight the assignments, and write down the drop dead date on the calendar; you can use a whiteboard in place of paper.
  3. Create symbols for when to start the work, when you should research and read, and when to submit the assignment.
  4. Also place reminders on specific days to respond to your classmates discussion posts; most online schools make this a requirement.
  5. Block out chunks of time in relation to the more time intensive projects and assignments.

If you stay consistent with the times you turn items in, it becomes a more natural process. Instead of muscle memory, it’s mental recognition that an event should be occurring at a special time in the week. Also designating certain times to school work can free up the stress you may feel away from your family.

The next time you take a trip to get office supplies, whether it’s in the app store or your local Target, get a wall calendar to keep your assignments consistent and in check.

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

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