APU Careers & Learning

Got a Problem? Speak Up Now!

Since you don’t have that face-to-face time you’d have with a professor in the traditional classroom, it’s important that you be absolutely explicit with your comments and requests. If you are having technical difficulties in the classroom, or problems understanding expectations about an assignment, you MUST speak up otherwise there is no way that anyone will know that something is wrong. Also, if you don’t understand something, chances are several people have the same question. If another student is able to help you, he or she probably will, and if you are able to explain something to your classmates in need, you will not only help them out, you will reinforce your own knowledge about the subject.

Consider both your academic advisor and your professor as a resource. Make sure to list out the issue and your desired outcome before you discuss with them. This way they’ll be able to give you a more direct answer that can directly impact your problem. Just make sure you don’t wait until the assignment is due to ask about it, and don’t wait until you’re failing a class due to a situation out of your control to contact your advisor. Make the right decision when it comes to your education, and stay in charge of your issues as well as successes.

[see also: 5 Tips for Emailing Your Professor]

By Online Learning Tips Staff

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