APU Careers & Learning Online Learning

Why You Should Join Your School’s History Club

Crossing_Delaware_WashingtonVirtually every school offers a history club. They all vary in terms of their participation and effectiveness, but when you find a good one, join immediately. Here is an example of a quality history club American Military University.

The Saber and Scroll is a student initiated and managed history club at AMU. It benefits from passionate leadership, active members, and the guidance of Dr. Richard Hines, the program director for history at AMU. If you are a history major, and student of the school, you should join.

While there are plenty of clubs at various schools, The Saber and Scroll has bustled into a very active one. Although still new, the club has published four quarterly journals, all featuring articles and reviews by students. All of the content goes through a submission and peer review process. This is a great method for students to cut their teeth on the submission, review, and publishing experience.

The club also produces a regular newsletter.

However, what really makes The Saber and Scroll attractive to budding historians is its Facebook group, which has roughly 280 members, which equates to about 80 active members at any given time. The discussions vary, but anything related to history is always welcome. Students debate over interpretation, discuss current coursework, and perform further collaboration on projects.

To give you a taste of what you are missing, here are some of the hot topics from the past week:

  • Destruction of historical landmarks in Syria
  • Suggestions on Russian history
  • Finding the right teacher for an independent study
  • How non-historians interfere with historians
  • Recommended reading for American history
  • Who is going to the graduation ceremony?

Officers go through an election process where all members can participate. Membership is free and welcome.

Come join in on the experience.

By Scott Manning
Online Learning Tips, Student Contributor

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