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Correlate Your Exercise with Reading Assignments and Classwork

walking-classwork-motivationIn the beginning of any year a lot of us focus on health and wellness. Some people join gyms, try healthy eating, enforce lifestyle changes like cutting out smoking or drinking, and some even reduce time spent in front of the TV. One of the easiest ways to increase physical activity is through walking. In order to keep track of the steps you naturally accrue throughout the day you should get a pedometer. Some companies will even provide them; especially if they have company-wide wellness initiatives. So, how can this work with assignments for your online classes?

[see also: Health and Wellness: Where Can I Find It? ]

It’s all about balance. When you eat better you feel better, and when you exercise some it increases your mental activity as well as physical energy. As you plow through your assignments there may be times where you don’t leave your chair for hours at a time. Not only are you adding stress to your spine, no doubt from improper posture, but you’re removing momentum at the same time. Staying up late to finish a paper leaves you with tunnel vision and exhaustion. Instead, try working your pedometer into your routine.

When you have to read 100 pages for class one week break it into four parts, or you can find natural breaks in the text. Once you’re at the first stopping point do a lap around your house, apartment, condo, building, or even the coffee shop you’re working from. You’ll be revitalizing your circulation by doing this and reducing stress in the process. Use your pedometer to see how far you traveled on that short break, and try to match that the next time. When you’re closing in on the last section of reading look at doubling your steps. This way it becomes a game of sorts, and it will help to give your mind a healthy break from studying. Don’t forget to take notes while you’re reading. Active reading helps with retention, and it’s likely that your professor assigned you some work based off of the reading assignment. At the end of this reading session see how you did with steps, and make some more notes about what you learned. Also, think about how you feel at the end. Are you more energized?

The same thought goes for any type of classwork, research, paper, and even exams. Even though the exams are timed, it doesn’t hurt to account for a couple of breaks ahead of time. Plan for those early so you’re not stressed. With papers time is more flexible. Even if you start at the last minute you can give yourself a break here and there. Walk up and down the stairs to increase your step total for the day while also reviewing what you’ve learned at the same time. Plenty of people go for walks to clear their head, or think of solutions to issues they’re having. You can do the same with your current assignment.

Try to think of the more tedious assignments as a step challenge. Once you’ve completed the assignment what you do with the work after that is a bonus. Increase your step number and get off your chair!

By J. Mason
Online Learning Tips Editor

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